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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2892
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Chapter 2892 Francis nodded in agreement as Regina and Madeline took their seats at opposite ends of the table.

Madeline sat with her head down, exuding an aura of defeat.

With a casual air, Francis inquired, “What's up, kiddo? Rough night, huh?” Madeline's eyes, lifting to meet his, were brimming with tears.

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Regina couldn't help but marvel at the theatrical flair of this mother-daughter duo. They could give Broadway stars a run for their money. If only Madeline would consider an acting career, she thought, she could be hailed for her dramatic skills.

It would spare Regina the drama at home, where sometimes even she had to step into the fray, playing along in their emotional plays to keep the peace.

As Regina speared a piece of her favorite roast chicken, she had to stifle a laugh at the absurdity of it all.

“It’s alright, Dad. You know how rare it is for sis to chome. No worries, let's just eat. Mom, weren't you saying you were starved? Here, have smore of the mashed potatoes you love.” Seeing her play the peacemaker, how could Francis remain oblivious? He set down his fork with a stern look at Regina. “Was it so hard to ask your sister to cdown for lunch? Why do you always have to stir the pot, making her upset?” Regina was dumbfounded. “What did | do? | was just outside her door, and you all saw me.” Madeline quickly interjected, “Yeah, Regina didn’t do anything. Let's eat, Dad. The foo getting cold.” “If Regina did nothing wrong, why the long face, Madeline? | know you're not my flesh and blood, and you've had your share of tough times here. But since the day your mother married me, | promised to treat you as my own.

And if my daughter is wronged, am | not entitled to seek justice for her?” Imogen paused, her fork mid-air, before speaking up to calm Francis down, “Oh, con, they're just sisters squabbling-it happens. You know how girls are: one minute they're arguing, the next they're best friends again.

Drop it, Dad, let the girls be.” “And you, their mother, making light of it? Lettell you, it’s because you spoil Regina. You've always taken her side, and now your daughter feels wronged and can’t even express it in front of me. ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child; ever heard that saying?” Imogen frowned, “That's taking it too far. Isn't Regina fine? Have | really spoiled her rotten? Madeline, speak up.

What happened? Stop with the waterworks in front of your

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father. What did | teach you? Speak your mind!”

“That's just it, isn't it? Before anyone knows what's actually happened, I'm the villain. To the uninform you'd think I've committed some heinous crime Regina continued to pick at the food she liked, seemingly indifferent to the unfolding drama.

But her nonchalant demeanor only fanned Francis’ anger.

“What kind of attitude is that? Imogen is standing up for you; your sister is bending over backward for you .Do you think the World revolves around you? Can't you show a little empathy, or have you lost even the most basic sense of decency?”