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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2907
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Chapter 2907 “I really think a girl like that would be perfect for you.” “But I'm not into that kind of person.” he replied, clearly uninterested.

“What?” Regina looked up, her eyes wide with disbelief. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t like her now. Feelings can develop over time. It’s like when | first met you-" “What about when you first met me? You mean to tellyou didn’t likeat first?” Regina couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of their awkward first encounter. “You were as cold as an ice cube.

Who would like you then? Are you always this full of yourself?” “So, what about now? Do you likenow?” Nolan didn’t give Regina any room to dodge the question. He reached out, pulling her closer by the shoulders.

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Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Regina couldn't look away. She knew that once they parted ways, she might not get another chance to be this close to him again.

“Tellthe truth, do you likeor not?” Regina tried to change the subject. What was the point of discussing it? Did her feelings even matter? Nobody else seemed to care about what she wanted.

Their relationship had been a mistake from the start. She didn’t want to make it worse.

“Nolan, stop joking around. | know this is all just a temporary fix. I'll talk to my dad, I'll let go, and | won't cling to you! I'm saving up money right now, and I'll pay back every cent my dad took from you, even if it takes a while.” “Who cares about the money? | could lose that and not blink an eye. It’s you | want, not your money!” Nolan's voice was firm, causing Regina to stare at him in shock. “Don’t joke with me, Nolan. | can’t take this kind of joke.” she said.

Even as Nolan confessed his feelings seriously, Regina still took his words as a mere jest For someone as esteemed as him, sweet-talking was probably just another trick up his sleeve.

But Regina wasn’t one to be easily swayed.

She knew that no one could simply reject Nolan's advances, understanding all too well the weight of his confession. Yet, she chose to act as if the words weren't meant for her.

“What are you so afraid of? We're already married. I'm confessing my feelings to you genuinely, and although this might not be the most formal setting, I'm willing to throw a proper wedding if that’s what you want. | just want you to understand my intentions, and | want to know what's in your heart. Is it really that hard to admit you like someone, Bi/3] 00.20 Chapter 2907 Regina?” Nolan's hu was evident as Regina continued to avoid his gaze. He knew the pressure her family had put on her was immense.

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But for him, that was no excuse. He tolerated Francis only for Regina's sake. Without her, he would have already cut ties with the Tanner family. With those poor schemes, Francis could only daydream about blackmailing the Harris family.

He felt tricked by both Regina and her father; but after calming down, he realized none of it could be her doing.

And as they spent more ttogether, Nolan gradually understood his true feelings for Regina.

Since she had beca part of his life, albeit in a wretched situation, he realized that as long as they loved each other, nothing else mattered.
