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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2909
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Chapter 2909 Madeline frowned at the sight of Domingo, her rugged-looking father, clearly dissatisfied. “So, you're my dad? The one who abused my mom even after | was born?” She wore a disdainful smile, which Domingo met without a retort.

“Back then, | had a terrible temper, young and without a direction in life, so | took it all out on your mom. That was wrong of me. But since then, I've completely turned my life around. Madeline, chere, please lethave a good look at you. It’s been since you were eight that | last saw you. Your mom kept you well hidden, never reaching out once all these years. She's got a cold heart!” Madeline was profoundly grateful for her mother’s decision not to contact her ex-husband, allowing them a peaceful life with the Tanner family. However, her visit today was to seek Domingo’s help.

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“My mom didn’t reach out to you, but couldn’t you have tried to find us? But then again, it's probably for the best. I've been very happy living with Dad. | never want to go back to living in that dump.” Hearing his daughter refer to Francis as ‘Dad’ visibly upset Domingo, though he managed not to lash out.

“I am your real dad. What's this calling someone else ‘dad’?” Blinking her large eyes, Madeline replied, “If | didn’t call him ‘dad, do you think I could have survived? After you left, do you have any idea what life was like for Mom and me?” Domingo felt guilty mentioning the past, “What's done is done; there's no use talking about it. Besides, my leaving was out of necessity. | never imagined you and your mom would completely leave that place. | thought I'd make something of myself in a year and improve our lives. But making it was hard, so it took longer than expected. By the t| was ready to return, you'd both gone. Who was | earning for then? Sweetheart, what brings you totoday? Are you .

“Who said anything about not having money? I’ve lived well with the Tanner family, treated like their second daughter. What do | lack? And why would | complain about pocket money? Dad has always taken good care of me.” “Enough!” Domingo finally lost his temper and yelled, “Here you are, calling someone else ‘dad’ right in front of me. Where does that leave me?” Madeline fell silent.

“No wonder she’s so scared of discussing the past. The trauma you've caused her must be significant she said she paced around Domingo'’s office before stopping in front of him. “I'm here on serious business. Do you know Regina and Nolan?” At the mention of those names, Domingo looked as if he'd spit in disgust.

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“Of course, | know them! You don't know it, but those two stirred troubles at my place over

a problematic land deal. That woman, relentless in her pursuit is trying to drag me to court over it

How can there be such a nosy reporter? Completely impenetrable.”