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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 178
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Under the control of the Eighteen Great Generals were the Thirty-Six Captains. Any one of them could

stir up trouble in a region.

Going further down, there were hundreds of vice captains and tens of thousands of soldiers under the

Thirty-Six Captains. Even soldiers at the lowest rank were more skillful than the army troops of the

Central Federation.

Now, General Quill, who had been under a few higher-ranked people and in command of tens of

thousands of people beneath him, landed on the ground like a piece of dead meat. If this piece of news

spread out, The Meteorites, who were working on some secret plan over the years, might stir up even

more trouble.

Thinking of this, Nathaniel felt his temples throb violently.

In the next second, a figure landed from the air. Where he landed, the ground was slightly dented as

his energy brought up some dust.

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After he raised his foot from the concrete ground, Jacob looked at Nathaniel coldly, who was not far


Standing right next to him, Luke cowered involuntarily.

In a police car outside the sealed off area, Benny slightly frowned when he saw the tall man suddenly

appear in front of him.

He focused his attention on that man, but after a while, he retracted his gaze with a shake of his head.

It was too far away for him to discern who the man was.

Suddenly, a flurry of footsteps rang, followed by a dozen policemen warily besieging Jacob with guns in

their hands.

“Put your hands behind your head and kneel on the ground!” The lead policeman of the small group

commanded strictly.

You are asking him to do that? Luke shook his head wildly. Are you sick of living? Or do you have a

death wish?

Jacob looked around him and saw the guns pointing at him with a frown on his face.

Another flurry of footsteps sounded, followed by tens of young men wearing the security uniform of The

Pavillion barging into the sealed-off area.

“Who are you, and what do you want? Get out of here!” At the edge of the taped area, a third-class

police officer bellowed loudly.

The security guards of The Pavillion had fierce looks in their eyes as they surrounded the gunned

policemen. Looking at Jacob solemnly, they placed their right hands on their chests and said

unanimously, “Sir, the Shadow Rangers have arrived, we await your orders!”

Their loud announcement made the atmosphere seem majestic.

Under such pressure, the gunned policemen immediately tightened their hold on their guns nervously.

“Outrageous! Who are these guys?”

Not far from them, Travis, who had just completed his orders, flared up when he saw his subordinates

being surrounded by another group of people. He immediately gave orders to apprehend them as his

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blood boiled in his veins.

“Mr. Feron, calm down.”

Though he was happy to see Jacob get into trouble, Nathaniel did not wish for any further loss of

human lives, so he quickly walked over to stop Travis.

“What on earth have you been doing?” Travis looked at him, displeased.

Nathaniel replied coldly, “I don’t think we from the Elite Forces need to report to you, Mr. Feron. You

just need to do the things within your job scope.”

Receiving a signal from Nathaniel, Luke chased the police officers away as though they were ducks.

“Shoo! Pack your guns away and leave!”

After making sure that they had left, his expression changed immediately when he turned around to

look at the Shadow Rangers in security uniforms. With a bright smile on his face, he said, “Good

evening, Mr. Lynch! Here we meet again!”

Jacob merely shot him a cold stare and turned around to walk to the hotel without uttering another
