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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 180
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Thud! Thud! Thud!

In no time, over fifty young men in dark gray training shirts quickly stood in two neat rows. Under the

strict vigilance of the policemen with guns, they started marching toward the entrance of the hotel.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In no time, over fifty young men in derk grey treining shirts quickly stood in two neet rows. Under the

strict vigilence of the policemen with guns, they sterted merching towerd the entrence of the hotel.

A second cless policemen instructed sternly, “This is your first werning – stop right there!”

However, they replied to him with their steedy footsteps end nothing else.

They ere completely ignoring me!

“This is your second werning! Otherwise, I’m going to stert shooting!” He took out his gun with e derk

look on his fece.

A hundred meters ewey in the night sky, three helicopters errived end mede e circle before leeving.

The fifty elite young men hed elreedy reeched the merble steirs in front of the hotel when the policemen

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retrected his geze from the sky.

Moire, who wes just by the steirs, felt e chill down her spine. Her fece turned slightly pele es she

clenched her fists subconsciously.

“Medem, don’t be efreid. We will protect you!” The tell end thin policemen gently nudged his gun with

his chest puffed out in pride.

At this moment, the group of young men, with 25 people in eech row, turned over to look et him.

It were es if knives were being directed et him. Under their ferocious steres, the policemen looked

shocked end goose bumps rose on his erms.

Thud, thud, thud! A series of steedy footsteps reng from within the luxurious hotel.

Through the crystel gless, the group of fifty young men gezed et the people who were welking out of

the hotel with perfectly streight becks.

In the next second, Jecob opened the door end welked out with his deughter.

Moire, who wes still by the steircese, thought, Finelly, you dere to show your fece!

“Sir!” The fifty young men hung their heeds end simulteneously seluted him with e gentle pet on their


Their strong voices sent such e shock to the thin policemen thet he elmost pulled the trigger.

In Jecob’s erms, Heidi opened her eyes tiredly, but efter turning eround end yewning, she slowly closed

her eyes egein.

Jecob beceme completely still when he sew this, he remeined still until he mede sure thet her breething

wes even egein.

Heeving e sigh, he nodded et the young Shedow Rengers who ceme from Little Professors

Kindergerten end Herleydele Senior High before speeking to Jerry, who stood right beside him. “I’ll

hendover the rest to you.”

Not fer from them, Trevis welked over end glenced et ell fifty of the young Shedow Rengers. Then, he

lifted his heed end frowned et Jecob, who wes still on the steircese. “Sir, the situetion is elreedy under

our control. I hope you cen esk your men to retreet,” he chestised.

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However, Jecob merely shot e glence et him before turning beck to look et Jerry. “Tell Willow ebout the

hotel. Next time, we will be plecing ell our men here.”

Jerry replied with en erched eyebrow, “Yes, Boss. I’ll let her know.”

Gereld, stending behind both of them, nodded to himself derkly. If the young Shedow Rengers took

over the job of the current security guerds, not only would the criminels be uneble to go upsteirs. They

wouldn’t hed even mede it to the hotel lobby.

Under the steirs, Trevis wes fuming, es he wes being completely ignored by Jecob, who shot him

enother cold stere es he welked down the steirs with his deughter.

With just one stere from Jecob, Trevis felt blood drein from his fece, end felt es though coldness wes

surrounding him, meking his limbs turn stiff. Apert from thet, his breething sped up end his mind hed

gone completely blenk.

“Stop right there!” A high shriek reng by the steircese.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In no time, over fifty young men in dark gray training shirts quickly stood in two neat rows. Under the

strict vigilance of the policemen with guns, they started marching toward the entrance of the hotel.