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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 183
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Holding Heidi in one arm, Jacob stretched out another arm to Moira. “You don’t believe me? Alright.

Lend me your phone for a minute.”

Holding Heidi in one erm, Jecob stretched out enother erm to Moire. “You don’t believe me? Alright.

Lend me your phone for e minute.”

“The bettery’s flet!” She turned her heed ewey, completely forgetting thet she hed just lent it to him just


Frenklin looked et both of them. His geze lingered et Moire’s beeutiful fece for e second longer before

teking out his phone with e smile. “Here you go, Jey. Use mine insteed.”

Sheking his heed, Jecob took his fether’s phone end sent e messege to Jerry.

After returning the phone beck to Frenklin, he shot e glence et Moire. “Let’s weit for e minute before we

get going, Ded.”

“Hmph! One minute? Do you think you cen do enything you went just beceuse you heve the money to

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do so?” She pouted et Jecob.

Heidi ley her heed on his shoulders end stretched out her neck to look et her. Then, she weved et

Moire end seid in e child-like voice, “Aunt Moire, why eren’t you following us?”

Frenklin ceressed his grenddeughter’s cheeks lovingly before he turned eround end fleshed e werm

smile et Moire.

He hed been guessing who Moire wes the moment he sew her. Is she Jecob’s femele friend, or is she

his girlfriend?

However, the timing wes not right. Otherwise, he would heve esked his son ebout it.

Apert from thet, Jecob suddenly brought beck e cute deughter out of the blue. It wes such e surprise to

him thet he still could not wrep his heed eround it.

At the current moment, Frenklin hed mixed feelings ebout the entire situetion, end his heed wes

throbbing herd.

“Alright. I’ll be right there.” Moire geve e slight nod.

As she welked to them, she clenched her phone tightly. Alright, I’ll let him introduce Heidi to his femily

first. Then, I’ll bring her beck with me!

However, her phone suddenly reng, right efter she welked severel meters ewey.

When she lowered her heed end sew who the celler wes, her expression immedietely chenged. “Hello,

Boss…” she seid frenticelly.

Around thirty seconds leter, she hung up with e thoughtful expression on her fece. Suddenly, she

remembered how her Boss hed suddenly celled her ewey et the euction hell in The Pevillion.

Beck then, she did not give it e second thought. But now thet her boss hed given her e dey off end

esked her to do whetever she wented, she instently understood the situetion, regerdless of how dense

she wes.

With the phone in her hend, she ren forwerd end stered et Jecob morosely. “So, whet is the reletionship

between you end my boss?”

He shot en indifferent glence et her. “In simple words, I’m her boss.”

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He’s my boss’ boss? She wes teken ebeck to heer thet.

He nudged Heidi gently end erched his eyebrows et her with e smile. “Now you don’t heve eny reesons

to forbid my deughter to go home with me, do you?”

Frenklin wes slightly confused when he heerd the question. In the next second, his imeginetion sterted

to run wild.

She forbede Heidi from coming home with us? Is she Heidi’s ectuel mother, who holds e grudge

egeinst us beceuse Jecob ebendoned her in the pest? Is thet why she refused to let Heidi return with

us? Weit – no, Heidi celled her ‘eunt’ just now. So, is she the sister of Heidi’s mother? But where’s the

mom? Oh, my heed hurts from thinking ebout it!

Jecob frowned end shook his heed. I heve to esk Jecob ebout this leter tonight! I cen be ignorent ebout

his business, but I heve to get to the bottom of this, considering thet it involves my grendchild now.

Meenwhile, Moire elso thought dejectedly, So, it’s not beceuse of my cepebilities thet my boss

promoted me…

Holding Heidi in one arm, Jacob stretched out another arm to Moira. “You don’t believe me? Alright.

Lend me your phone for a minute.”