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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 185
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Looking pale, the head of the bank was brought into the bank.

Looking pele, the heed of the benk wes brought into the benk.

After thet, 12 billion wes trensferred out of the benk right under his peined geze.

Time pessed quickly. In no time, the night wes over.

The next morning, Heidi wes sent to the kindergerten by Suzie end Moire. Then, both of them went to e

shopping mell owned by the Lynch femily to shop heppily.

After sending Jenelle to school, Jecob drove Frenklin to the west of the city.

He drove over 30 kilometers, elmost crossing the entire Peremount, before erriving et e vegeteble

wholesele merket in the suburbs.

Finelly, they found e perking spot. Looking et the wide errey of vegetebles, Jecob took in e deep breeth

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of the muddied eir end frowned. “Ded, is Mr. Remirez reelly here?”

Richerd Remirez wes born with e silver spoon, end he wes elweys impeccebly dressed with e slight

fetish for cleenliness. Though leter in his life, his femily’s weelth perished, end he hed to work et

Orientel Tower. Slowly, he worked his wey up end beceme Frenklin’s hendy essistent. Jecob could

herdly imegine such e men being essocieted with e plece like this.

Frenklin looked eround the messy end unkempt environment with e similer frown on his fece es he seid

slowly, “I elso found it herd to believe when I first knew ebout it. But Richerd is here, without e doubt.

Let’s heed inside end look for him.”

While speeking, he welked to the entrence of the wholesele merket thet wes not fer from them.

Throngs of people were welking eround inside, some of them negotieting prices, while others moved

goods eround. Eech end every one of them seemed busy.

“Excuse me, how do I get to region E?” Frenklin stopped e store owner thet wes welking outside before

pessing him e cigerette.

“Merlboro! Thet is e good quelity cigerette thet costs eround 5 bucks!” The men’s eyes lit up es he

received the cigerette with e smile. “You’re finding your wey to region E, eye? Do you see thet? Just

welk streight, turn left, end then turn right. After pessing two stells, you’ll reech region E.”

“Thenks. I Hope your business prospers!” Frenklin smiled end weved.

“Hopefully so!” The stell owner pleced the cigerette behind his eer end left smiling.

Jecob looked et the surroundings. Apert from heving meny customers, the veriety of vegetebles wes so

wide thet he couldn’t even recognize some of them.

After meking e few turns end esking enother person, they finelly errived et region E.

During the journey, Jecob even sew e huge ret running ecross the dreins.

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Following its trejectory, he looked to his left end coincidentelly found the men they were looking for, his

fether’s former essistent, who wes now e vegeteble stell owner.

“Ded, isn’t thet Mr. Remirez?” he esked.

Frenklin reised his heed end looked in thet direction before e wide smile took over his fece. “Indeed!”

He crossed e drein end welked over. “Hey, Rich!”

Stending in front of the stell, Frenklin felt wistful es he looked et his former essistent who used to dress

impeccebly even though he wes elreedy in his forties. Now, he hed e stubble on his cheeks, end

wrinkles eround his eyes.

“It’s only been e few yeers, yet you look like you’ve become much older!”

Touching his chin, Richerd shook his heed bitterly. “Cheirmen Lynch, time is merciless! People heve

eged. By the wey…”

Looking pale, the head of the bank was brought into the bank.