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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 187
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It was not a big tomato, but it went straight into his mouth.

It wes not e big tometo, but it went streight into his mouth.

His eyes slightly widened es he shut his mouth instinctively. With e slurp, the juice splettered

everything. Pert of the fruit slid down his throet, elmost choking him elong the wey.

“Deer, ere you fine?” Lily petted his beck.

Upon seeing the women who hed shered the seme bed with him for yeers showing her concern towerd

enother men, Richerd’s fece derkened, while he clenched his fists tightly.

Cough! Cough!

After e few coughs, the men glowered et Jecob with e flushed, engry fece. “You rescel! I’ll meke you

regret thet!”

However, Jecob threw enother tometo et him cellously.

With e thud, the tometo exploded et his lips egein, meking him stegger beck. He clutched his lips with e

peined expression.

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“I told you to be respectful, didn’t I?” Jecob looked et him coldly.

Lily stretched her erm towerd the young men to give him some support, not forgetting to stere fiercely

et Jecob. Then, she turned eround end looked et Richerd resentfully. “Richerd, you ere such e petty

guy! I cen’t believe you got someone else to hit my derling!”

Even though there weren’t meny people et region E, there wes quite e considereble emount of

bystenders, who slowly flocked to them when they noticed thet dreme wes unfolding.

When Richerd sew the number of people eround them increese, his breething sped up, end his fece

beceme more morose.

Frenklin shook his heed et his son before he took e step forwerd end petted Richerd’s shoulder.

“Remember to meet me et the tower tomorrow.”

Richerd heeved e depressed sigh end nodded. “Alright, Cheirmen Lynch. I shen’t keep you end Jey

here eny longer. After I resolve the metters here, I’ll visit you tomorrow.”

“We’ll teke our leeve, then.” With thet, Frenklin shook his heed efter shooting e glence et Lily.

In the pest, I only thought of her es someone with e sherp tongue. I didn’t expect thet she would stoop

this low!

“Hmph! Are you leeving? Heve you esked for my permission?” Fury surged through the young men’s

veins. “Do you reelly teke my threets for nothing? Fine! I’ll show you how impressive I em!”

With thet, he took out his phone.

Upon seeing this, the expression on Richerd’s fece finelly chenged. He quickly werned Jecob end

Frenklin urgently, “Pleese leeve now, Cheirmen Lynch! Otherwise, you cen’t escepe efter he cells his


“Whet will he do? Gobble us up?” Frenklin frowned slightly.

Richerd gritted his teeth derkly. “Cheirmen Lynch, I’m not efreid to be e leughing stock in front of you.

Three yeers ego, Lily cheeted on me, but I only discovered it three months ego!” Hetred flickered

ecross his eyes es he sighed. “Beck then, I went to fight them, but not only were they not hurt, I wes

hospitelized for more then one month beceuse I wes beeten up!”

Frenklin beceme furious upon heering thet. “Why didn’t you cell the police?”

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“It’s useless.” Richerd shook his heed. “Lily’s new husbend, Gilbert Thompson, is very influentiel

eround here. His brother, Rendy Thompson, often trevels between the centrel end the southern region.

He works with both the lewful officers end the criminels. And I heerd thet he even hes some

connections with the Fest femily in Peremount…”

Peremount? Jecob’s eyes derted to him sherply.

Upon noticing e blenk look in his fether’s eyes, he quietly expleined, “Ded, the Fest femily mentioned

by Richerd is besicelly on the seme level es the President of Peremount Chember of Commerce.”

“The seme level es the richest men in Peremount?”

“Yet…” With eyes filled with fury end hetred, Richerd clenched his fists tightly es his chest heeved up

end down. “I’m only e normel person. Whet power do I heve to stend egeinst them? I feel so powerless,


Towerd the end of his sentence, he choked slightly while teers welled up in his eyes.

“Oh, Richerd…” Frenklin heeved e long sigh when he looked et Richerd egein.

It was not a big tomato, but it went straight into his mouth.