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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 231
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“Bring it here!” Ludwig widened his eyes threateningly.

Jerry frowned and glanced at him. He pursed his lips and handed the clear plastic bag to Ludwig.

Ludwig was too impatient to wait for it. He reached out and snatched it away.

Then, he opened the bag and took out a charred object that looked like a sword hilt. He released a ray

of energy into it.

“Master Ludwig, what is this? Is it really the sword?” Krish asked nervously.

After a moment, Ludwig’s eyes burned furiously. “How dare you destroy the master sword of Mount

Everest Sword Association!”

Jacob looked at Ludwig’s furious expression coldly.

Jerry stepped forward and shouted, “Nonsense. We spent fifty million on this sword at an auction. You

didn’t contribute a single cent. How dare you behave as if we owe you?”

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“Why? Do you wish to fight? Hehe, I’m more than happy to have a spar!” Ocho took a step forward. His

body surged with a burning desire to fight, intimidating Ludwig and Krish.

“Fight us if you dare. We are not scared of you!” Krish was young and arrogant. He charged recklessly

and raised his fingers.

Swoosh! Formless energy gathered around his fingers and formed a finger-length sword.

“My turn!” Ocho was excited. He swung his shoulder and right hand while vibrating his wrist at high

speed. This released waves of energy that gathered speedily and formed an invisible long cloth.

Initially, Krish was able to move the finger-length sword at a rapid speed. However, once it got caught

in the invisible cloth, his movements became sluggish as it was hard to move. It was like a moth that

had fallen into a pot of glue.

Within a few seconds, the finger-length sword ran out of energy and disappeared into the air.

Ocho looked at Krish. “Do you have any other techniques? Feel free to attack me.”

Krish gritted his teeth. His face was flushed.

The technique just now was beyond his usual level. Thus, he had used up all the energy within his

body. Even standing required tremendous effort.

Ludwig patted Krish’s shoulder gently and quietly channeled a little energy into his body.

Krish instantly felt refreshed. He took a deep breath and got ready to fight again.

However, Ludwig watched Ocho closely and ordered, “Krish, step back. You are no match against him.”

“Yes, Master Ludwig.” Although Krish was unwilling, he knew he was far from Ocho’s level. Thus, he

glared at Jacob and the others before retreating a few steps.

Ludwig’s eyes were burning with fury. He took a deep breath and looked down at the Ancient Jade

Bronze Sword fragment in his hand. He did not speak for some time.

After a while, he narrowed his eyes. His expression was solemn, but his tone was cold. “The failure of

my ancestors caused the master sword of Mount Everest Sword Association to remain lost for

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hundreds of years. Now, my failure has led to its destruction!”

Energy swirled in the air.

Ludwig widened his eyes ferociously. At the same time, lightning flashed across the sky. “I desire

nothing except that you punish these people. Please!”

Suddenly, dangerous energy filled the air. Crack! Crack! Numerous tiny cracks appeared on the walls

and floors.

“Let’s have another round!” Ocho waved his fist excitedly.

He smashed his fist through the air. The immense energy on his fist instantly shattered the numerous

sword fingers hovering in the air.

Next, Ocho and Ludwig charged at each other. Their fierce battle sent debris flying and shook the

whole floor.