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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 241
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On Friday, students were dismissed from Little Professors half an hour earlier, at three in the afternoon.

Jacob held his daughter’s small hand and walked out slowly.

As soon as they walked out of the kindergarten, Heidi suddenly looked up and said in a baby voice,

“Can we go see big Dixy again tomorrow?”

Seeing a trace of anticipation on the kid’s soft face, Jacob furrowed his brow slightly. After a moment’s

silence, he brought her to one side.

He bent down and looking into his daughter’s big eyes, he said in a gentle voice, “Daddy has to go

somewhere far away tonight. I might not make it back in time tomorrow. Can we go the day after


Heidi’s big eyes blinked, and her soft, pink lips slowly started to pout.

Looking at his unhappy daughter, Jacob pinched his brows awkwardly.

It wasn’t easy for his little baby to ask for something on her own accord, and it wasn’t anything difficult.

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But if he promised his daughter, there would be difficulties in the plan for the Scarlet Dragons to

eliminate the Meteorites with thunder-like force.

And he couldn’t let his gang of brothers battle it out while he brought his daughter to an amusement


Thinking about this, Jacob’s gaze turned steady. He reached out his hand to stroke the kid’s braid and

said softly, “Daddy promises you that he’ll take you to see big Dixy as soon as he comes home,


Heidi pouted, and her little head twisted as she sulked.

He shook his head, then got up and held his daughter’s hand while walking to the car stopped by the

roadside. On one hand, it was a major event for his organization, and on the other hand, it was a

request from his daughter. Although it was hard to choose, he still had to make a decision.

In the car, when Jacob saw that his daughter, who was in the child’s seat, was angry at him and

ignoring him, there was a trace of a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth as he took his cell phone out.

His call went through, and there was Moira’s tender, gentle voice. “You’ve picked up Heidi Buddy? Play

with her for a while. I’ll take her to her grandfather’s once I get off work.”

“I’ll come pick you up now.” He hung up after that.

“He has the nerve to hang up on me?” Moira mumbled to herself as her delicate nose wrinkled in

displeasure while she sat in her own office. “You think you’re all that just because you own the

company? Coming over now, hmph!”

As soon as she said that, her boss’ office door was suddenly wrenched open.

Isabella Wright was almost forty years old, but she was still so charming. She walked in with an air of

fragrance as Moira got up and gazed at her.

“Do you have something on in the afternoon?” A sliver of a warm smile appeared on Isabella’s stunning

face that had just the right amount of makeup. “I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose, I just happened to

hear the last half.”

“Ms. Wright, I don’t…” Moira said as she shook her hand, but then stopped.

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Her refined brows wrinkled slightly, and she said weakly, “It’ll be a lie to say I don’t have anything on.

Actually, a fellow that I hate but cannot provoke at the moment will be coming later.”

“Someone you hate but cannot provoke?” A nosy flame streaked across Isabella’s eyes.

Her eyes flashed as she laughed lightly and said, “Quick, tell me. Who is the person you hate but

cannot provoke? Do they think women can be easily bullied? You can just ignore him if you hate him.”

Seeing her boss who always used to be so high up speaking to her like they were of equal status,

Moira had complicated feelings even though she knew why Isabella was doing that. Her delicate head

shook slightly. “Ms. Wright, I can’t just ignore him!”

“Your boyfriend?” Isabella suddenly asked while smiling.

“Ms. Wright, don’t say that!” Moira’s lovely face was a little flushed. “Alright, actually that person is my

