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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 242
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Isabella glanced at her suspiciously. After a while, her eyes suddenly flashed and she said, “That’s fine.

I’ll give you a leave of two hours. Use this time to do whatever you need to do.”

“I can’t do that, Ms. Wright.” Moira gently bit her red lips.

Recently, that gang of flirtatious bimbos in the office were feeling aggrieved because the boss thought

highly of her. If they knew that she was given leave over just a phone call, they would be so envious

that they would grumble and groan about it.

“Since I’m letting you leave, quickly leave. I’m going to leave anyway. There’s nothing much you can do

in the office.” Isabella waved her hand.

After thinking about it for a moment, Moira nodded. “Alright, I’ll head down with you, Ms. Wright.”

A short while later, the two of them left the office under the jealous, envious, and hateful gazes of that

group of women.

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About half an hour later, Jacob stopped his car near the finance building.

“Get in.” Seeing Moira, who was standing beside the car, he winded the car windows down and called


At the intersection nearby, Isabella’s eyes shone abruptly in her red, luxurious car. “Moira’s cousin-in-

law is really the boss of big boss!”

By the side of the road, Moira rolled her eyes at Jacob. After getting into the car, she looked up to see

Heidi sulking in the child’s seat.

“Hey, who upset you?” She smiled and asked as she sat next to the kid.

Heidi pouted, and her small face puffed up like a little goldfish.

While driving slowly, Jacob said, slightly exasperated, “Just now the kid said that she wanted to go to

Dixy Land tomorrow, but I’m flying to Cloudshill tonight. I’m worried that I wouldn’t make it back in time,

so I said to go the day after tomorrow, so she got upset.”

“You little rascal, didn’t you just go to Dixy Land?” Moira reached out to pinch Heidi’s small nose.

“Hmph!” The kid reached out to push her Aunt Moira’s mischievous hand aside. Her big eyes blinked

as she mumbled softly, “Daisy and the others’ mommies and daddies are taking them to see big Dixy

tomorrow. I’m the only one who doesn’t have a mommy and daddy to take me!”

Hearing this, Jacob was so distressed he almost squeezed the steering wheel to pieces.

He turned his head to glance at his daughter. With a gentle yet exceptionally certain voice, he said, “It’s

Daddy’s fault. Daddy promises that he will come back and take you to Dixy Land to see big Dixy at nine

in the morning tomorrow, alright?”

Heidi’s eyes brightened a little. “Really?”

“If Daddy lies to you, Daddy is a dog!” Jacob nodded.

The kid was happy again. She reached out her soft, white hand and said in a baby voice, “Pinky

promise. You can’t break it for one hundred years!”

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Beaming, he twisted his body and reached out his right hand to lock it with his daughter’s small fingers.

“Pinky promise. I won’t break it for one hundred years.”

Seeing one big and one small hand locked tightly in front of her, Moira’s mouth twitched with envy.

She blinked and asked, “Cloudshill is at least four hundred kilometers away. Are you sure that you can

make it back in time?”

Jacob pulled back his hand and answered indifferently, “For my daughter, I’ll come back even if it’s four

thousand or forty thousand kilometers. What is four hundred kilometers to me?”

“Continue spoiling her then!” Moira rolled her eyes at him, annoyed.

After being promised, Heidi quickly became happy. When they reached the hospital and got down, she

even waved and said goodbye to Jacob on her own accord.

Everything was great, except for the fact that she still didn’t call him ‘Daddy’.

With a little regret, Jacob drove back to the Pavillion. Half an hour later, he went up to the floor that was

being renovated and left on a helicopter.