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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 258
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Although his identity in the kindergarten was that of a teacher, he would only look at his daughter. As

for everything else, it could be said that he didn’t pay any attention at all.

“Hmph!” Looking at Jacob’s figure, a trace of thick disdain appeared on Moira’s beautiful face.

“Hmm, aren’t you a teacher at Little Professors?”

Before he walked over, a young man outside the crowd furrowed his brow and was a little surprised.

A young woman who was standing next to him said in a displeased tone, “Didn’t they say that only one

teacher from the kindergarten was coming?”

Seeing that the two of them were gazing at him critically and disgruntledly, Jacob frowned a little.

After nodding at both of them, he made his way to his daughter. He bent down and pinched her little

nose before saying in a gentle voice, “Why didn’t you tell daddy that today was parent-child activity


Heidi pursed her lips and turned her head to one side.

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“He’s also a parent.” That young man mumbled softly as he relaxed his brows.

Usually, on a parent-child activity day like that, the school would collect a certain amount at one go

before or after the event for transport fees, entrance tickets, and other expenses.

Therefore, for some parents, they felt like they were footing the bill for an event like that. An additional

teacher would mean that there was another person taking advantage of them.

For those parents who liked to haggle over every ounce, they would undoubtedly feel exceptionally


Indeed, Little Professors used to operate like that, but after Galaxy Group took over, they immediately

changed that corrupt practice.

Perhaps the parents who joined the parent-child activity day didn’t know that no fees would be

collected for the activities that day, and there would even be a small surprise awaiting them.

After all, among the children who participated in the activities, there was the daughter of the head of the

group. If it wasn’t planned accordingly, it would make them seem quite useless!

Parents gathered together in twos and threes, making small talk while their young ones ran around


At this time, a pretty little girl who was dressed well ran in front of Jacob.

Her pair of big eyes blinked as she sized him up. The little girl pursed her lips as she looked at Heidi.

“Heidi, is this your daddy?”

The kid secretly glanced at Jacob, and the curve of her chin nodded very slightly.

Seeing that, Jacob was overjoyed. He sighed, my hard work for the past few days has not gone to

waste. My daughter has more or less acknowledged me.

“He looks pretty good, but it’s just that his clothes are so old-fashioned!” The mischievous little girl said

in an adult-like tone with a face of disdain.

Jacob looked down and sized up his attire. It was simple, comfortable, and handmade. Why did that

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little girlie call it old-fashioned?

Seeing the little girl’s mom, he slowly started to understand.

“Hey, you’re the father of little Heidi?”

The little girl’s mother said in a gentle, delicate voice as she walked over, smiling charmingly. She was

a young married woman whose perfume first greeted his nose. The clothes and jewelry on her could

make any ordinary person stare at her.

Noticing the occasional furtive glances from the group of parents, Jacob couldn’t help but admit that his

attire was indeed old-fashioned when compared to the beautiful, young married woman in front of him

whose style was in line with current trends.

He raised his brows slightly and smiled faintly before extending his right hand to greet her in a gentle

voice. “Hello, I’m Jacob Lynch, Heidi’s father.”

The beautiful, young married woman covered her mouth and laughed softly. Under the gaze of heated

glances, she extended her fair hand. “Hello, I’m Keysha, the mother of Fiona Larry.”

Seeing the two of them shake hands, Moira held Heidi’s little hand with a straight face.

Noticing her, Keysha said with a smile, “You must be little Heidi’s mother, right? You look so young!”

Moira’s pretty face blushed.