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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 259
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In an office in The Pavillion, the air was a little tense.

Looking at the simple face sitting behind his office desk, Henry turned the request down with a smile.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Locker. I’m used to fighting battles alone.”

Fighting battles alone?

Jerry thought about it for a while before he nodded. In his heart, he was firm that he wanted to recruit

this famous, great lawyer from Paramount before him into his ranks.

He smiled faintly, then picked up his cell phone. “I have a video with me as well. I’ll send it to you.”

Henry shrugged noncommittally.

A moment later, he played the video. After a few seconds, he raised his head abruptly to look at Jerry

in shock. “How did you…”

“Don’t be hasty. Continue watching.” Jerry gently picked his brows.

Two minutes later, the rims of Henry’s eyes were red, and he had a sorrowful expression.

He reached out his hand to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. Seeing the young man in front of

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him, he said sincerely, “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” Jerry waved his hand. “For a scum like that, it’s fine if you don’t know about it. Since

you already know about it, then he can’t run.”

His eyes flashed a little, and he continued. “What do you want to do next? Extradite him back to

Avalon, or shoot him on the spot?”

After a moment’s internal struggle, Henry’s initially straight back slouched a little. “Extradite him. I want

him to feel the full wrath of the law!”

“I see…” A satisfied expression streaked across Jerry’s eyes as he shook his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t

do that.”

Henry was confused. “Mr. Locker, what do you mean by that?”

“I respect your decision, but…” A cold expression flickered across Jerry’s eyes. “After this video was

taken, that fellow died after being shot in the head. Mm, if you want to watch that, I have the video of it.”

“He’s dead…” Henry’s expression was a little distracted.

Around ten years ago, he was a young lawyer in a law firm. He had a good wife and son, but an

accident instantly scattered and smashed his beautiful family.

What happened after that was an incredibly ironic situation.

The drunk driver that killed Henry’s wife and son easily escaped the punishment of law because his

family had power and status. What Henry got as compensation was merely two hundred thousand.

He was upset about that, so he appealed. He was only suppressed, hurled abuse, and deliberately

picked on.

On the one-year death anniversary of his wife and son, Henry had a realization as he stood at the cold

and dismal graveyard. There was no truth in power. If he wanted to get to the truth, he needed to

defeat the powerful.

For the next three years, he suffered patiently as he was firmly resolved for revenge. He meticulously

delved into matters, and finally, in a case where an ordinary person took a relevant department to court,

he gained victory with a single blow. He made the powerful fall to their knees.

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From then on, even if he was faced with open or concealed attacks and bribery, he stayed true to his

cause. He represented those in the lowest rung who were faced with unjustness, and time after time,

he defeated the powerful forces.

Five years ago, he had made a name for himself in the world of law in Paramount, so he reopened the

case. With ironclad proof, he swore to bring that guy who destroyed his beautiful life as a family of

three to justice.

Unfortunately, at the end of the case, that fellow escaped to the Outer Districts, and it ended on a

frustrating note.

In the past five years, Henry had been brooding over it, but the Outer Districts were vast. Looking for

one person was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Now, after hearing about the death of the fellow in the video that Henry would recognize even if he

became ash, the fellow that was crying bitterly on the floor with a bloody nose and a swollen face, other

than feeling like his grudge was avenged, there was an unexpected empty feeling in his heart.

Henry’s feelings were a mess. Looking at Jerry, he said slowly, “Tell me, you did so much. What do you

want from me?”

He wasn’t so naïve to think that Jerry was helping him in the name of justice.