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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 268
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“Could it be that they’re not opening the door for us because those guys told the guard keepers about

you fighting? What if they’re people from the station waiting for us outside?” Moira asked Jacob


Jacob looked at Moira’s worried expression and replied with an explainable smile on his face, “Aren’t

you thinking too far? But…” An icy look crossed his eyes, and he continued after looking in the direction

they came from, “I’m not sure if there is anyone from the station waiting outside, but inside…”

Jacob was cut off by a soft breeze blowing through the bamboo forest. The leaves flew to the ground,

and at the same time, a shadow flew in with the wind.

Moira widened her eyes, and she almost let out a scream when she saw the translucent figure.

Keysha noticed Moira’s actions and looked to where she was looking at. Although she was shocked at

the unmoving figure within the trees, she held her daughter closer to her as a sign of protectiveness.

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“Who are you? What do you want?” Her eyes were wide, and she asked in a high-pitched voice.

“Uh-hoh, don’t be alarmed, pretty lady, I’m not a bad person.” A flirtatious voice answered, followed by

a tall man with bright eyes stepping two steps forward.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Jacob asked pointedly.

“Yeah,” the young man replied with a laugh, “My name’s Flint, Flint Young, and I’m a security guard at

Dixy Land.”

Security guard? Moira and Keysha were skeptical.

“And?” Jacob raised one of his eyebrows.

Flint pointed at the fawn and said with a smile, “That’s the property of Dixy Land, you can’t take it


Jacob looked at the fawn beside him then at his daughter, who was visibly nervous after hearing that.

“I’ll buy it.” Jacob told Flint with a smile on his lips as well.

“It’s not a matter of buying it or not. My supervisors have said that they can’t allow you to take it away.”

Flint said with a shrug.

“Ha! You’re just scared we’ll expose your dirty secrets by bringing this fawn out!” Moira stuck her chest

out and said defiantly.

Keysha shook her head at that statement and gave Moira a look.

Flint spread his hands out, “I don’t care if you expose the secrets or not, I will definitely not allow you to

take this fawn out. But…” He gave Jacob a look, his eyes glimmering, and continued, “I’ve heard about

you. Do you fight?”

Fight? Jacob’s expression turned frosty. Just because he knows some flash steps, he’s talking about

fights? What a child.

Jacob could feel the life force leaving the fawn in his arms. He did not want to disappoint his daughter.

He turned around and looked at the fence that was blocking the exit.

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Am I being ignored? Flint thought. He was aghast by Jacob’s actions. He blinked and then bent his

knees slightly; his blood began to thrum heavily through his veins.

Then suddenly, with a gust of wind, he flew through the sky with leaves blowing around him and landed

in front of Jacob.

“You can go, but the fawn must stay!” Flint said with a soft voice but reached out with his right hand to

grab hold of one of the fawn’s hind legs. In an instant, Jacob took a quick step backward and evaded

his advances.

“What?” Flint was surprised by how swift Jacob’s actions were. He swung his arm, and lightning

flashed in the distance.

Jacob stood right in front of his daughter with no space to retreat. His eyes were slanted, but there was

something that flashed in his eyes.