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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 274
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The white door of the ward was pushed open from the outside with a creak, followed by the ashen

faced Keysha hurrying into the ward while holding Fiona’s hand.

Fear spread across Keysha’s delicate face as she tightened her grip on her daughter’s hand and

stuttered, “T There are many soldiers outside!”

“What did you say?” Moira’s eyes enlarged. “Soldiers? How is that possible? I wouldn’t be surprised if it

were the police who came.”

Jacob caressed Heidi’s braid and said calmly, “All of you, stay here and don’t leave this room. I’ll step

out for a while. Be good, Heidi.”

Encircling the deer’s neck with her arms, Heidi nodded obediently and hummed in response.

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After smiling at Heidi, Jacob went out of the room and gently closed the door.

utside the ward was a space as large as half a basketball court, where twenty solemn looking

soldiers stood neatly with rifles in their hands.

A young lieutenant stood tall in front of the row of soldiers. n the sleeve of his uniform was a silver

military badge that displayed a sword and a shield.

“Bye, Fiona!” Sitting on the bed, Heidi shook her legs and encircled the deer’s neck with one hand

while waving at her classmate with another hand.

Jacob nodded in satisfaction because it was rare for Heidi to actively engage with her friends.

Standing at the end of the bed, Moira said worriedly, “I can’t believe you’re still smiling. It’s the Hunter’s

Association! The name itself sounds evil.”

“I’m not a good person either.” Jacob tilted his head to look at Moira with a smile.

Sitting beside the bed, he caressed Heidi’s braid and asked gently, “Are you hungry? Shall we go for

some nice food?”

“Yeah!” Heidi nodded.

After pausing for a while, she lifted her face, which was filled with anticipation. “Can I bring the deer

back and keep it?”

“No!” Before Jacob could say anything, Moira directly rejected the request. “Be good, Heidi, we can’t

keep a deer at home. Let’s send it back to the zoo later, alright?”

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Heidi embraced the deer’s neck tightly and pouted.

Jacob’s heart ached when he saw tears brimming in Heidi’s eyes. He caressed her head and cooed

gently, “As long as you want, I’ll let you keep a herd of deers, let alone one.”

“Stop spoiling her!” Moira shot a glare at Jacob. “Deers are not domestic animals. We don’t have

enough space for it to roam around.

Jacob was reminded of the scene in Sector E when he heard Moira’s comment. If Heidi can play there

every day, she must be overjoyed! I’m going to ask Jerry to investigate that place later.

As for Hunter’s Association, so what if it’s ten times more powerful than The Meteorites? Three

hundred Dragon Guardians could easily annihilate them!

Just as murderous intention crept into Jacob, he sensed an intense aura from outside the door.

Following that, a loud sound of neat marching footsteps approached from afar and suddenly ceased

when it reached the door.