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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 275
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The white door of the ward was pushed open from the outside with a creak, followed by the ashen-

faced Keysha hurrying into the ward while holding Fiona’s hand.

Fear spread across Keysha’s delicate face as she tightened her grip on her daughter’s hand and

stuttered, “T-There are many soldiers outside!”

“What did you say?” Moira’s eyes enlarged. “Soldiers? How is that possible? I wouldn’t be surprised if it

were the police who came.”

Jacob caressed Heidi’s braid and said calmly, “All of you, stay here and don’t leave this room. I’ll step

out for a while. Be good, Heidi.”

Encircling the deer’s neck with her arms, Heidi nodded obediently and hummed in response.

After smiling at Heidi, Jacob went out of the room and gently closed the door.

Outside the ward was a space as large as half a basketball court, where twenty solemn-looking

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soldiers stood neatly with rifles in their hands.

A young lieutenant stood tall in front of the row of soldiers. On the sleeve of his uniform was a silver

military badge that displayed a sword and a shield.

“Soaring Eagles?” Jacob narrowed his eyes and had his guard on when he sensed the hostile aura

from the troop.

Is this a counterattack from the Fest family? After all, the father-in-law of Ryan Fest, the eldest son of

the Fest family, is one of the four vice commanders of Soaring Eagles.

A medical staff member walked out and questioned, “Which force are you guys from? Why didn’t I

receive any notice?”

The young lieutenant shot a cold glare at the staff. “We’re from Soaring Eagles. Stay out of this.”

As soon as he said that, the soldiers swiftly lowered their rifles to the height of their chests, emanating

a gloomy, threatening aura.

A chill ran down the medical staff’s spine. “S-Sorry for the interruption. I’ll leave immediately.”

Not only that, all other doctors, nurses, and guests who were present in the clinic due to the accident,

hurriedly escaped from the scene.

In no time, all that was left in the clinic was pin-drop silence and the troop.

“What is it?” Jacob frowned as he stared at the young lieutenant.

“Nothing.” The latter answered indifferently with a straight face.

Inside the ward, Moira and Keysha exchanged glances as they observed the scene outside through the

glass window. Nothing? When then did you bring a troop of armed soldiers here? Don’t tell me you

have nothing better to do!

As the atmosphere was getting tenser, the young lieutenant suddenly lifted his right arm. Instantly, the

soldiers stepped aside into two rows, leaving a two-meter walkway in between. At the end of the

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walkway were two young-looking policemen. Jacob could tell from one glance that they were junior

policemen who had just graduated from the police academy.

Looking timid, the two policemen trod heavily past the soldiers. The young lieutenant nodded at the

policemen before taking a step back, leaving the policemen to directly face Jacob.

One of the policemen’s eyes flickered before he took out a document with an authorized stamp on it

and said, “Sir, this is the arrest warrant. Please follow us to Station No.3 to cooperate with the


An arrest warrant?

In the ward, Moira was flustered, while Keysha wore a complicated expression.

As the lieutenant signaled a gesture, the soldiers lifted their rifles and pointed the muzzles at the

ground. The atmosphere was filled with aggression.

“Please come with us.” The other policeman ordered in a deep voice after glancing at the lieutenant.

With his brows knitted, Jacob narrowed his eyes and glanced at the policeman, followed by the elite

force behind them who stood tall and motionless.