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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1341 Revealing The Truth Behind The Car Accident
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The following day, Vivi’s car accident once again dominated the trending news.
According to police reports, Vivi’s accident resulted from her consumption of illicit drugs, causing a sudden illness while driving.
Consequently, she was unable to brake or swerve in tto avoid an obstacle, leading to the mishap. This twist in the narrative
left the Inteusers, who were initially seething with righteous indignation, utterly confused.
“I never imagined Vivi’s accident would be a consequence of her own physical condition, and not a malicious plot against her.
We were wrong to target Janet.”
‘Jis affluent and influential. She must have bribed the authorities to the actual facts!”
“But where did Vivi procure these drugs? The police owe us an explanation. For all we know, someone could’ve intentionally
administered them to her!”
“Indeed! A thorough investigation of these illicit substances must be conducted immediately. Who knows how many people could
be jeopardizing their lives with these hazardous drugs as we speak.”
As the public continued to question the circumstances, news of Star Entertainment’s influencers indulging in heavy illicit drug use
surfaced. This revelation rapidly climbed the trending charts, igniting fervent online discussions.
Authorities promptly shut down Star Entertainment, instructing the firm to enforce rectifications and adhere to regulations before

it could recommence operations.
Many influencers were stunned upon discovering the lethal potential of the drugs they had been consuming, and they demanded
contract terminations and compensations.
Sinfluencers went as far as provoking their followers to assail Star Entertainment, hoping to extract additional
In her office, Suzanne stared at news of her company being mandated to make corrections and at the termination contracts of
her employees. Blinded by rage, she swept everything off her desk onto the floor.
“Boss...” The assistant recoiled in terror. “Along with our top influencer Momo terminating her contract, several other firms also
want to sever ties with us...

What should we do?” “Termination?” Suzanne scoffed. “Fine! Anyone who wants to leave can take a hike. They’re nothing more
than ingrates. I’ll bide my tto see who laughs last!”
The assistant hastily nodded and swiftly retreated from the office. “JWhite!
You’re responsible for my current predicament.” Suzanne clenched her fists tightly; her eyes were brimming with malice, and her
face contorted as if she were a demon straight out of hell. “I won’t let you go scot-free! I’ll ensure you can’t escape my
vengeance!” Her words carried an ominous undertone. aE
“Ah-choo!” Jsneezed just as she entered her studio. “Odd, why did I sneeze?”

She didn’t give it much thought, proceeding into her office, contemplating her work for the day, when her gaze landed on an
extravagant bouquet of red roses and a fancy fruit basket.
“Lexi, who sent these?” Jfrowned, instinctively picturing Clyde’s face, which induced a nauseating shudder that coursed
through her.
Was he still persisting in pestering her?
Behind her, Lexi seemed perplexed, scratching the back of her head as she clarified, “These were sent by a model named
Derek. I initially declined them, but he insisted on delivering them personally.”
Jhadn’t expected it to be Derek. Her lips twitched as she inquired, “Where is he now?”
Looking rather nervous, Lexi replied, “He’s been waiting for you in the reception room.”
Jexhaled heavily and massaged her forehead. “It’s not your fault. Derek’s tenacity is challenging to deal with, even for me.
You’re not alone in this struggle. Now, you can get back to your tasks.”
In the reception room, Derek lounged leisurely on the sofa, exuding nonchalance and showing no signs of unfamiliarity with the
“Why hasn’t Jshown up yet?” Derek grumbled lazily. “I’ve been waiting for a good ten minutes.”
Jcaught wind of his complaint as she swung the door open, causing her mouth to twitch in response. “Is ten minutes such a
long time? I never requested you to wait forhere. If waiting bothers you, feel free to leave anytime,” Jshot back.

“At last, the esteemed designer graces us with her presence!” Upon seeing Jenter the room, Derek made no effort to rise
from his relaxed position on the sofa. “A supermodel’s tis valuable, you know. I get paid by the minute for my catwalk
appearances. Even a mere ten-minute wait amounts to a six-figure appearance fee!”
On the sidelines, Gilda had had enough of her boyfriend’s laid-back attitude. She gave Derek a nudge with her foot and warned
him, “Sit up straight, or you’ll regret it.”