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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1345 You Are Here To Cause A Ruckus!
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Aware of the challenge Jfaced, Elizabeth felt a pang of helplessness. Regardless, she soldiered on, showering her with
soothing words and sprinkles of inspiration.
Janet, never one to wallow in sadness, had already aligned her mind with the new reality. As a result, Elizabeth’s brief comforting
episode ended with Jdeftly steering the conversation elsewhere.
Their engaging chatter was interrupted by a sudden uproar from the exterior. It seemed like someone was stirring up trouble out
Janet’s face clouded over. Rising, she headed towards the source of the disturbance.
Elizabeth, fearing Jmight need assistance, quickly tailed her friend.
Emerging from the door, Jspotted Mandy holding court in the lobby, her assistant and two bodyguards flanking her as she
squared off with Lexi.
Upon seeing Mandy, Jexpelled a sigh, fingers brushing her forehead. She readied herself to intervene, but Mandy, having
caught sight of her, spoke first. Her voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Janet, is this your idea of hospitality? No wonder your business isn’t booming!”

Lexi, unable to stomach someone ridiculing her boss in her presence, fired back, “Guests don’t storm in with bodyguards and a
hostile demeanor. You’re clearly here to cause a ruckus!” Exasperated, Mandy simply rolled her eyes skyward, choosing to
ignore Lexi’s rebuttal.
While Mandy’s entourage might have looked intimidating, they were also there to carry gifts; a subtle olive branch from Mandy.
The bodyguards, apart from being gift-carriers, primarily served to save Mandy from any potential embarrassment before Janet.
Mandy, however, would never disclose these details to Lexi. As a result, the pair remained in a stalemate at the entrance for
what seemed like an eternity.
It didn’t take long for Jto notice the gifts being carried by Mandy’s posse.
Understanding the underlying context, she greeted them with a gracious smile, “Lexi, every visitor is our guest. Please welcome
Miss Hamilton and her associates inside.” Mandy responded, chin up, arms crossed, in a voice brimming with arrogance, “Did
you catch that? Your boss has given the order to admit me!”

Lexi shot Mandy a disgruntled look and retorted, “But it’s obvious that she’s here to cause...”
A gentle shake of the head from Jwas all it took for Lexi to grudgingly step aside, a bitter expression etched on her face.
A tnumphant smirk played on Mandy’s lips as she sauntered in, chin held high.
The tfollowing her promptly unloaded the gift bags and boxes onto the table with considerable effort.

Jand the rest of the group gaped at the spectacle before them. A seemingly endless cascade of gifts mushroomed on the
table, forming an impressive mound.
Blinking in astonishment, Lexi managed to stutter, “All these... are all these gifts from you? Did you raid a store?”
Mandy replied nonchalantly, “Just scommon offerings. If my assistant and bodyguards could’ve carried more, I’d have
brought even more.”
A sigh of disbelief escaped from Elizabeth, her lips curling in a slight smirk. “Is this how the affluent live? Casually carting along
half a store’s inventory?”
The extravagance displayed by Mandy left Jstunned. Scanning the pile, she noticed the sheer quantity and the undeniable
luxury of the items.
This lot must be worth hundreds of thousands.
She mentally tallied the probable price.
Mandy, taking in the dumbstruck expressions around her, nodded with satisfaction. “I’m glad to see my gifts are appreciated.”
Considering Mandy and W Marks were at odds, and wishing to steer clear of their dispute, Elizabeth leaned over to Jand
whispered, “I’ve got work awaiting me, Janet. I need to make a move.”
Janet, understanding the unspoken implications, simply nodded. “Of course, Elizabeth. Safe travels.”
Once Elizabeth was gone, Jshifted her focus back to Mandy and offered her a gracious smile. “May I invite you for some
coffee, Miss Hamilton?”

Hearing the invitation from her competitor, Mandy’s arrogance reached new heights. “Well, since you’ve extended the invite so
graciously, I suppose I can accommodate,” she replied.
She turned to her entourage and instructed, “Wait foroutside.