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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 3113
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Chapter 3113 Have The Kids Been Behaving These Past Three Days? Luca had long gotten accustomed to Luke's cold attitude toward others. She glanced at the time and suggested, "It's already noon. Why don't we grab lunch before heading back?" "Sounds good. Let's go to the restaurant we went to yesterday. Since it's not the weekend and the event is over, there shouldn't be as many people. We can get a table without reservations," replied Luke. He remembered that Luca enjoyed the food there.

Luca probably wanted to savor that taste again. However, she would have to wait until their next visit to X City.

"Do we really need to go back there? Let's save the trouble. There's a restaurant upstairs in this hotel. We | can have a meal there and then head home." Luca shook her head as she thought it was unnecessary to backtrack.

She knew Luke suggested going to that restaurant because she enjoyed the food there, but for her, it did not matter where they ate. As long as she was with Luke, she felt content.

Luke understood her thoughts and did not insist. It was better to go back early anyway. Although it was summer and the sun did not come down till late, which made it safe to drive even in the late evenings, they had been away for three days. She was probably thinking about their kids at home.

Their kids were surely missing them too.

For the past three days, the kids had not video-called them as they probably thought that they were busy and did not want to disturb them.

Going no contact for three days naturally made Luca anxious.

Hence, the three of them had lunch at the restaurant upstairs and then set off back to A City.

On the way back to A City, Luke received a call from Gale.

"Boss, I just received a call. There are two pieces of news. The first is that Abel will take a plane to A City tomorrow afternoon, but it's unclear what business he has here and whether he'll look for Ms. Craw to cause trouble.

"The second news is that Abel has crippled Gerald. He'll probably need some time to recover. If we act now, we can pin Gerald down...

"Oh, there's another piece of news. It’s about Stan Muller, your butler. Gerald had a talk with the doctor before he went to see Abel. He told the doctor Stan would like to undergo the surgery.

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The police want to arrest him, but they have to wait until after the surgery," Gale reported the news he received.

"Got it." Luke's eyes darkened.

After they found out Abel's true identity, Gale chose to approach a person smoothly and successfully obtained information from him.

Of course, money was spent.

That person was from the Island of Despair, one of Abel's associates. He was not efficient in completing tasks but always managed to escape danger.

Therefore, Abel, in order to satisfy his clients, stopped assigning him tasks.

Instead, he chose to keep him around as a thug.

Being around Abel meant missing out on many money-making opportunities. The man loved gambling, and he owed a lot of money to others.

If he owed money outside the Island of Despair, no one could come after him as long as he was on the Island of Despair.

However, since he owed money to people on the Island of Despair, he

urgently needed money to repay those debts. Otherwise, he would face consequences like being chased down or beaten up.

When Gale tempted him with money to help, he agreed immediately.

"What's wrong?" Luca noticed Luke's expression change after taking the call.

Luke answered, "The police have already detained Mr. Muller, but since he's scheduled for surgery, they can't do anything to him now." "What else?" Luca knew Luke's temperament well. Just one incident involving Stan would not trouble him.

There had to be something else that made him furrow his brows.

"There's really nothing that escapes

your notice. Well, Gerald got beaten up pretty badly by Abel," added Luke.

Warren was also under Luke's | command, so he could be trusted.

He was skilled at driving, which was why he was assigned to protect Luca and drive her around.

Otherwise, he would probably still be helping Gale with his tasks.

"It's to be expected. He asked Mr.

Muller to assist with a task, but Gale saw through it. The mission failed.

Even though the two culprits who got caught at the police station managed to escape getting beaten up, Gerald basically had no chance," Luca replied without showing any surprise.

Then, she added, "But Shanks should still be in X City. As long as he's around, Abel won't take Gerald's life. |

He'll be safe." However, while Gerald might have a chance, the same could not be said for the two who were in custody.

Abel was not one to negotiate. If a mission failed and his associates got caught by the police, he feared that they might reveal things about the Island of Despair when subjected to intense interrogation...

Abel would not allow that. Only dead men kept secrets. While Gerald might survive, Jacob and Harold probably would not.

"Okay." Luke nodded. Luca knew more about the people of the Island of Despair than he did, but he felt a bit annoyed.

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Why did Luca mention Shanks’ name

with such admiration? He was just a skilled doctor. He was not worthy of such reverence. ; "Gerald's life or death doesn't concern you much, so what other news is there?" questioned Luca.

"Abel is flying to A City tomorrow, but we don't know the reason," replied Luke. That was the reason for his furrowed brows.

Now that they had someone passing on information, it was too easy to track Abel's movements.

However, they had not found out what he was planning.

Abel certainly would not disclose his plans to his subordinates.

"It's okay. Let him come. We'll deal

with whatever he's up to when the time comes," Luca said optimistically to Luke even though deep down, she was afraid of Abel.

She had to maintain a positive facade at the moment.

After all, dealing with Abel was not something that could be resolved in just a day or two.

Luke saw how positive Luca was and knew she was pretending. He held her hand tightly without saying anything more.

Warren drove them smoothly back to their villa in A City.

When they arrived home, the kids had not finished school yet, and Nina was still at work. Only Aunt Neile was busy in the house.

RRR Ae ie © WEE GA US CC SRY Aunt Neile's eyes brightened when she saw Luke and Luca return. She greeted them warmly as she took their luggage, "Mr. Crawford, Ms. Craw, you're back." "Yes, Aunt Neile. Have the kids been behaving these past three days? Any trouble?" Luca asked about the kids as soon as she returned.

Although she knew her kids were well- behaved and not prone to causing trouble, being away for three days made her worry that they might have been a nuisance to Nina.

"The kids have been very well-behaved for the past three days. Mrs. Mallory has been getting along with them wonderfully. She plays games with them and acts like a child herself.

"But they've missed you both a lot,"

| Aunt Neile said cheerfully. Then, she asked Luca, "Ms. Craw, are the clothes ) inside these suitcases meant to be washed?" Luca shook her head and replied, "Aunt Neile, you can just help us put the suitcases away. I'll take the clothes that need washing and put them in the washing machine myself."